
  1. Исходники Исходники Aion 4.6 от команды aion-ger-emulator - Revision 564

    - Reworked again the server presentation infos and translation, fixed double messages, etc.. - Take care, the was again with bad format commited, so it was non-editable. Fixed. - Some other small cosmetics Update Game-Client-Mods - now packed Small Updates an Fixes Some...
  2. Исходники Aion 4.6 от команды aion-ger-emulator - Revision 564

    - Reworked again the server presentation infos and translation, fixed double messages, etc.. - Take care, the was again with bad format commited, so it was non-editable. Fixed. - Some other small cosmetics Update Game-Client-Mods - now packed Small Updates an Fixes Some...
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