
  1. Q

    Change port login to 2107

    As the title, I'm having trouble when a server has 2 gamesrv. Can anyone help me change port login from Engine.dll from 2106 to 2107? I thank you in advance
  2. K

    Search for L2Nova grace epilogue font

    anyone who has the source l2Nova grace epilogue who can share?
  3. K

    Can someone help me.

    Can anyone help me with this review.
  4. Patricia Chaggas


    The Mobs Are With The Wrong Respawn How Can I Fix This Error Does anyone know how I can fix this error. [INFO 2018-10-26 10:40:18] com.l2emu.gameserver.util.SqlUtils: 141 - Get all rows in query 'SELECT `loc_id`,` loc_x`, `loc_y`,` loc_zmin`, `loc_zmax `,` radius` FROM locations WHERE loc_id>...