Результаты поиска по запросу: *

  1. Salty Mike

    Community Board, ALT+B, КБ Проблемы

    <button value="Магазин Пожертвований" action="bypass _bbspage:shop" width=170 height=31 back="L2UI_CT1.Button_DF_Down" fore="L2UI_CT1.Button_DF"> This buypass here is split into two: _bbspage and shop.html, so you have to have the shop.html, shop-2.html, and shop-3.html in the correct folder...
  2. Salty Mike

    Community Board, ALT+B, КБ Проблемы

    You have to make sure that the bypass you are sending with the button exists in the core and that its structure is correct.
  3. Salty Mike

    Community Board, ALT+B, КБ Проблемы

    Unless somebody has an identical source, or at least similar, nobody can help you 100%. However, I can make it easier for you to understand the logic. When you press a button, the ACTION bypass is sent to the server/core, in this case _bbspage:shop-2, as a string, meaning the bypass will then be...
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