Результаты поиска по запросу: *

  1. CartmanBro

    ищу хорошего программиста на ассемблере и инженера по реверсу для создания команды в ммо проекте

    Trust me this is the forum for lineage 2 community, so i think it speaks for it self, we all are intusiasts here, problem is the knowlege of the required task, not so many members have the skills required but you never know :) Just watch out for the scammers. Quite a few, lately pretend to be...
  2. CartmanBro

    ищу хорошего программиста на ассемблере и инженера по реверсу для создания команды в ммо проекте

    You will have to find a great intusiast that will agree with your offer, might be better to explain your idea in bit more details so people might understand what they about to sign for, might be a good idea afterall.
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