Результаты поиска по запросу: *

  1. sungsung

    Pet not read DB

    Hello, this means, that the record in table pet_data is not exists. Most of time is caused by GMs or some Ai which add pet as item but not as a pet. Simply: Create pets by //create_pet or gg::CreatePet(int) NOT by //summon item_id or myself::AddItem(int)
  2. sungsung

    [Request] Ida -w- func names for L2C4PTS

    Hello, could anyone provide me complete IDA file with function name for L2Server C4PTS binary? Thanks
  3. sungsung

    [Share] L2Server error messages

    Hello all, i would like to share with community, i found it on my old harddisk, maybe for someone else will be usefull :) (I do not have any info, who is the original author.).. L2Server.exe 1) Cannot manipulate item. item[57]'s amount is not enough, count=[1762], request=[-2500] no enough...
  4. sungsung

    Vangath help?

    I understand, but also Vangath C6 is not C6 original L2Server binary. This address leads to L2Server.exe which is original C4. Vangath made and extension for this server, which makes from original C4PTS C6. And now you are using his extension, which extendes original C4PTs L2Server.exe and fixes...
  5. sungsung

    Vangath help?

    Hey, as i expect, you are using L2Server C4PTS(656) + extender. So this is original C4 address. From this assumption, the adress is correct. In your case, i will try to use exclusion method, because you cant debug it in x64dbg. 1) Remove all address hooks from extender which modifies...
  6. sungsung

    [WTS/Help] Freight system between accounts

    Thanks! Last question, i need to disable validation on Cached, which caused error: [.\Socket.cpp][10626]Try hack ?, source[1][1], target[8][1310]. i tried to NOP memory on jnz, but it doesnt helps. .text:00481954 loc_481954: ; CODE XREF: sub_481720+20Fj...
  7. sungsung

    Vangath help?

    So maybe open x64dbg and try to debug function on address .text:000000000085C9F0 and what happend if Type 0 will come in.
  8. sungsung

    Vangath help?

    Hello, do you see other invites? Party, friend, mpcc?
  9. sungsung

    [Help] Server error Async overflow

    Hello, i would like to ask, if someone else faced this kind of error. I know this happend when CExecutionSerializer::AddExecutable overflow 20 actions execute. But how to prevent this error ? Thanks.
  10. sungsung

    Can somone explain difference between Agit type Siege and Team battle

    ok, thanks. And what is the situation when one clan owning the clan hall and other attack. For simplicity 1 clan attacking(register 18 clan members) and 1 clan owning the CH. how it could behave? Because as i tried the owning clan cannot register. is it the end, once all memebrs of one team dies?
  11. sungsung

    Can somone explain difference between Agit type Siege and Team battle

    Hello, can someone explain me, the differences between siegeable clan halls? Bandit Stronghold - team_battle Devastated castle- siege How the fight are going in team_battle and How is it going on on siege. agit_begin [devastated_castle] 34 siege agit_begin [bandits_stronghold] 35...
  12. sungsung

    [WTS/Help] Freight system between accounts

    Update: Almost done, last thing what am i facing is this weird error Tried full-text search in IDA, no luck :) Could someone share the real address/or where this error comes from ? I am using C4PTS. Thanks.
  13. sungsung

    [WTB] Offline shop restart restoration code

    Hello, i would like to buy code, which restores offline shops after server restart. Not depends on what extender is code written. Iam interested in idea and code helps me to understand how to rewrite into my extender. Thank you Sung
  14. sungsung

    [WTS/Help] Freight system between accounts

    Hi to all., I wanted to ask you for advice, or someone who would be able to sell me a piece of code. I have been trying for several days to solve the problem with the freight system on the C4 PTS assembly. The path I went is: Hook on two functions: 0052b410 0052b5af 0111126c void CDB ...
  15. sungsung

    [L2OFF] monsters org_hp_regen calculation in game

    Hello all, Can you please help me to find out how is real hp regen calculated in l2server? i have tried to find in assembly, I gather something like org_hp_regen x (0.04098 x lvl) x actual hp but this assumes that everything is rounded up to make it work. Thank you so much. Sung
  16. sungsung

    [L2OFF] org_hp_regen calculation in game

    Hello all, Can you please help me to find out how is real hp regen calculated in l2server? i have tried to find in assembly, I gather something like org_hp_regen x (0.04098 x lvl) x actual hp but this assumes that everything is rounded up to make it work. Thank you so much. Sung
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