Результаты поиска по запросу: *

  1. byEvanthe


  2. byEvanthe

    How to make (...)

    Fixed! Thank you for answer !
  3. byEvanthe

    How to make (...)

    I want to display to on npc if the command it's disabled or enabled. But not, even if the command it's enabled, i saw on npc command off as you see
  4. byEvanthe

    How to make (...)

    Hello folks, how can I make this check "link/command off". If the command are enabled, to display button, if the command it's disabled by admin, to display "Command Off" L2Npc html.replace("%disableOnlineCommand%", Config.ENABLE_COMMAND_ONLINE ? "<font color=ff0000>Command Off</font>" : "<a...
  5. byEvanthe

    Title color on multisell's

    The items colors isnt displayed at same color on multisell ( shop ). In multisells i saw it white, but in inventory, my custom color from itemname-e
  6. byEvanthe

    Title color on multisell's

    I don't have the same colors from items, in shop (multisell) As u can see here
  7. byEvanthe

    Title color on multisell's

    I don't understand.
  8. byEvanthe

    Title color on multisell's

    Yes, i am ready, just tell me in what package i have to change. And tell me what i have to add. I am using Hi5
  9. byEvanthe

    Title color on multisell's

    On inventory color On Shop color
  10. byEvanthe

    Title color on multisell's

    Hello, how i can make the color of items to be the same on multisells?
  11. byEvanthe

    Buttons html

    Hello, can someone tell me where i can find this type of button? P.S. for High Five!
  12. byEvanthe

    Looking for Giran Center

    Nah, it's something old. Not "repainted" This is free?
  13. byEvanthe

    Looking for Giran Center

    Hello, i am looking for Giran Winter Edition, can someone share it? I don't find it on google. Thank you very much !
  14. byEvanthe

    Inifinite Zoom

    Fixed by my own ! Changed this line from RightMouse=CameraRotationOn | UseAutoTrackingPawnOff | StopMouse | CameraRotationOff OnRelease | UseAutoTrackingPawnOn OnRelease | MoveMouse OnRelease | FixedDefaultCamera OnRelease MaxPressedTime=200.0 to RightMouse=CameraRotationOn |...
  15. byEvanthe

    Inifinite Zoom

    No work. This is my User.ini [DefaultPlayer] Name=Player ;Class=WarClassLight.WarCOGSoldier Class=LineageWarrior.MFighter team=255 skin=SoldierSkins.blkt Face=SoldierSkins.Othello [Engine.Input] ;Aliases[0]=(Command="Button bFire | Fire",Alias=Fire) ;Aliases[1]=(Command="Button bAltFire |...
  16. byEvanthe

    Inifinite Zoom

    As title say, how i can make infinite zoom on hi5 client?. Thank you!
  17. byEvanthe

    Edit GRP's

    I have already
  18. byEvanthe

    Edit GRP's

    GitHub - L2Miko/L2FileEdit: L2 File Editor This is, i downloaded, but the text it's the same. Not aligned like excel or simillar
  19. byEvanthe

    Edit GRP's

    Something like this i need if exist as L2 File Edit
  20. byEvanthe

    Edit GRP's

    Exist a File Editor which align descriptions with data ? Now i have like this
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