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  1. jocker23

    Чистая папка system для 474 протокола

    always one step ahead ! thx.
  2. jocker23

    [Essence] [464] High Elves [Char Creation / Enter World]

    the mistakes look the same to everyone. Post this file here so we can analyze the error : D:/L2SV/L2JEssence73SevenSigns/L2J_Mobius_Essence_73_SevenSigns_464_Server/game/data/skillTrees/HighElf/HighElfSpiritBaseClass.xml
  3. jocker23

    [Essence] [464] High Elves [Char Creation / Enter World]

    try to see the logs if there are any errors... post them here and I'll try to help as much as I can!
  4. jocker23

    [Essence] [464] High Elves [Char Creation / Enter World]

    I can't sleep trying to fix this!
  5. jocker23

    [Essence] [464] High Elves [Char Creation / Enter World]

    It's already added... can you tell me if I did something wrong? <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <list xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="xsd/CategoryData.xsd"> <category name="FIGHTER_GROUP"> <id>0</id> <!-- fighter -->...
  6. jocker23

    [Essence] [464] High Elves [Char Creation / Enter World]

    I came across an error when changing HighElf's class and I can't solve it... can anyone shed some light?
  7. jocker23

    help for Quest

    Could anyone still help me? 2 weeks stuck on the same error... I'm going crazy! I need to make this work... remembering that everything was created by me using shortcuts from mobius itself. I can't find the error. quest 10126 ok quest 10127 ok quest 10128 off... and all the others too.
  8. jocker23

    [Essence] [464] High Elves [Char Creation / Enter World]

    some prints of everything I've done so far
  9. jocker23

    [Essence] [464] High Elves [Char Creation / Enter World]

    what I did with this Mrkiriill pack, the entire city of high elves(mini map ok), job skills 1 and 2, spots, NPCs, celestial tower instance (I need the event icon in TimeZoneData_ClassicAden-e.dat I don't have it yet), high elf rank buffs, Gracia sustentation , Wasteland Oasis, water temple...
  10. jocker23

    help for Quest

    I'm using the 464 posted by MrKirill1232. I am implementing everything that is needed to complete the version. I've already done around 30% of what you need.
  11. jocker23

    help for Quest

    /* package quests.Q10127_LeanHowtoFight; import org.l2jmobius.gameserver.data.xml.TeleportListData; import org.l2jmobius.gameserver.enums.ClassId; import org.l2jmobius.gameserver.model.Location; import org.l2jmobius.gameserver.model.actor.Npc; import org.l2jmobius.gameserver.model.actor.Player...
  12. jocker23

    I need help so that when the character is created, start with the Grace Sustantion buff

    In which line do I add this code? I tried as MrKirill1232 explained but I was not successful either... I'm new to Java.
  13. jocker23

    [Essence] [464] High Elves [Char Creation / Enter World]

    I'm stuck on this part, can anyone really help me? I've done everything... I have some updates that I can help the community... but I don't want to deliver half-baked work.
  14. jocker23

    Change Class help !

    It seems to me that the errors are in the XML... I'm having another problem with XML, now in shortcuts, <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"> <xs:element name="list"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence minOccurs="1"...
  15. jocker23

    Change Class help !

    where do I add this code?
  16. jocker23

    Change Class help !

    When I add the code these errors happen... sorry for being a bit of a layman on the subject ! it is already implemented in the ExRequestClassChange.java file and I still can't change the class of new characters using the option.
  17. jocker23

    Change Class help !

    When the line of new classes is added to CategoryData.XML, the class change icon disappears from the characters. Can someone help me ?
  18. jocker23

    [Essence] [464] High Elves [Char Creation / Enter World]

    thank you for your attention
  19. jocker23

    [Essence] [464] High Elves [Char Creation / Enter World]

    Can you tell me which source file and which client file I can modify this option?
  20. jocker23

    Change Class help !

    Could someone tell me which source file and which client file I can modify this option in? I'm implementing what's missing in version 464 and I can't change the new classes.
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