Результаты поиска по запросу: *

  1. Salty Mike

    Dressme Engine and Drop Calculate for Sunrise

    They were all shared in bulk a long long time ago. This is the reason why you couldn't find them. Here is a comprehensive list of the leaked features:
  2. Salty Mike

    Last Acess

    The code looks fine. I would assume the only problematic step could be the parsing of the data from your database to getLastAccess(). You haven't provided that particular method in your excerpt. Secondly, it would've helped if you had some error messages to help us narrow it down even further.
  3. Salty Mike

    TimedHunting reenter

    *** Скрытый текст: У Вас недостаточно прав для просмотра скрытого текста. Посетите тему на форуме! ***
  4. Salty Mike

    Игровая почта

    I don't know if it is copy-paste applicable to the High-Five version, but it should be something similar to this: private void sendRewardMail(Player receiver) { Mail mail = new Mail(); mail.setSenderId(receiver.getObjectId()); mail.setSenderName(receiver.getName())...
  5. Salty Mike

    Лоу рейт сборка

    The way I see it, if an assembly has all of the core/retail-like features working as intended, such as quests, instances, skills, fishing, etc, it is good enough. The rest is just fine-tunning for whatever rates you need it to be. Custom features can be written, if they do not exist already, or...
  6. Salty Mike

    Лоу рейт сборка

    If it has to be Java, just find Acis version 394/396 or lower (the one before the big updates). It has been shared around, along with its source in full. From there, you can join Acis discord/forum, go through bug-list/issues/fixes, and fix it by yourself or find a fix, if one has been shared...
  7. Salty Mike

    Move protocol 166

    This is already present in the p166 client. Long story short, it is a flash animation loop, located in a UGX file, which is triggered by an EVENT. You can call it from the Interface.u, as far as I remember. Don't ask where, I found it a long long time ago and I have since long forgotten where it...
  8. Salty Mike

    L2-Scripts ReturnOfTheQueenAnt 311

    I don't remember how I narrowed it down, but I couldn't figure it out at first too. I think I might've started "ending processes" through Task Manager 1 by 1. I just remember it was a long and tedious process. Just checked. The 7777 port isn't show for me too in netstat. However, you should...
  9. Salty Mike

    L2-Scripts ReturnOfTheQueenAnt 311

    Another programme is using the port. In my case, running any server on an Asus ROG Strix laptop and having Armoury Crate, this is the programme that I've singled out to be the culprit. I just turn it off (stop the service) and launch the server normally.
  10. Salty Mike

    Weakness Issue

    ...&& attacker.getStat().hasAttackTrait(trait) && !target.getStat().isInvulnerableTrait(traitType)) { result *= Math.max(attacker.getStat().getAttackTrait(trait) - target.getStat().getDefenceTrait(trait), 1); } } return result; } Keep...
  11. Salty Mike

    Weakness Issue

    2 questions: 1. Why do you only calculate when traitType != trait? - Shouldn't this be taken out in a separate if, which will skip the execution of the rest of the code in the loop if the trait != traitType? 2. Why do you use 0.05 instead of 1? - The way I understand it, you need the result to...
  12. Salty Mike

    Experience bar goes back to 0% when reaching Max. level

    This is a client problem, because on the client, this is not the max level. You must limit the MAX XP at 99.99%.
  13. Salty Mike

    Mounts 45 pcs for Freya / High Five

  14. Salty Mike

    RIP Aden

  15. Salty Mike

    L2J Essence Development Teams?

    Over the past 1.5-2 months, I have been playing on all major server openings and from what I've gathered so far, there aren't that many different packs. In fact, almost all of those that are running 447 are not working "flawlessly" (only 1 exception), cuz their datapack is years old, and their...
  16. Salty Mike

    Acis Global GK Essence Like

    Let's see.
  17. Salty Mike

    447 Skills

    These would possibly require new effect handlers (java code). Anyway, even if they didn't, I don't think anyone would give them to you. People pay Datapack Devs for services such as this.
  18. Salty Mike

    447 Skills

  19. Salty Mike

    Acis Auto Farm Essence Like

    Let's see.
  20. Salty Mike

    Drop Database - Salvation (140p)

    Thanks for the clarification. I've checked a random old-version client I had lying around and it didn't have the MonsterBook_client.dat. However, I have now checked newer versions and they do, so I stand corrected! Apologies for the confusion! I will redact my previous answer. Wish you a...
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