Aion - One Click Server

Исходники Aion - One Click Server

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Сборка сервера + исходники:

Какая версия клиента нужна: желательно NA

Что было сделано:
Установлены базы с настройкой.
Прописаны пути и добавлены новые батники с отдельным сервером mysql.

Порядок запуска:
  • Распаковать архив в папку и запустить Launch.bat это запустит сразу Mysql, JDK, Loginserver, Gameserver, Chatserver.
  • Подождать полной загрузки сервера, заходить и вводить что угодно (там автоматическая регистрация).
  • Для остановки сервера Stop.bat
FAQ - Если сервер после распаковки не запускает:
  • Проверьте не запущен уже другой mysql сервер в процессах на порту 3306 просто запустив Stop.bat.
  • Путь до папки должен быть без пробелов и только на английском, лучше в корень диска C: распаковать.
  • Не хватает оперативки, отредактируйте в батнике gs сервера количество оперативки.
Admin Command List:

//promote <characterName> <rolemask>
give admin rights to player
PS: rolemask = 1,2,or 3 to full admin.

//revoke characterName
revoke admin rights to player

//add <player> <item ID> <quantity>
Adds an item to player inventory

//remove <player> <item ID> <quantity>
Adds an item from player inventory

//addset <player> <itemset ID>
Adds an item set to player inventory

//addskill <skillId> <skillLevel>
Adds a skill to your target player

Will recursively check all missing player skills and add them to him

//addtitle <title_id> <playerName>
Adds a title to your target player

//announce <message>
the message is sent to all players chatbox

//announcefaction <ely | asmo> <message>
the message is sent to all players from the specified race on the chatbox

//announcements list
Obtain all announcements in the database.

//announcements add <faction: ELYOS | ASMODIANS | ALL> <type: NORMAL | ANNOUNCE | ORANGE | YELLOW | SHOUT> <delay in seconds> <message>
Add an announcements into the database.

//announcements delete <id>
ps: see //announcements list to find all ids
Delete an announcements from the database.

//notice <message>
the message is sent to all players chatbox and a message appear in center screen

//info <target>
show target object infos

//playerinfo <playername> <loc | item | group | skill | legion>
show target player parameter infos

//set level <level>
Sets target player level
PS: max level 50

//set exp <value>
Set target player experience amount

//set title <title_id>
Set target player title

//set ap <amount>
Set target player abyss points amount

Complete Title ID List:

id=1 Poeta's Protector
id=2 Verteron's Warrior
id=3 Bottled Lightning
id=4 Tree-Hugger
id=5 Krall Hunter
id=6 Straw for Brains
id=7 Animal Lover
id=8 Fluent in Krall
id=9 Patient
id=10 Mabangtah's Envoy
id=11 Demolitions Expert
id=12 Eltnen's Hero
id=13 Klaw Hunter
id=14 Aerialist
id=15 Kobold Chef
id=16 Respects the Fallen
id=17 Eulogist
id=18 Love Cynic
id=19 Anti-Counterfeiter
id=20 Savior of Eiron Forest
id=21 Honorary Meniherk Union Member
id=22 Lonely Bounty Hunter
id=23 Recognized by Arbolu
id=24 Chief Investigator
id=25 Defeater of the Indratu Legion
id=26 Belbua's Benefactor
id=27 Poor Camouflage Master
id=28 Experienced Fisher
id=29 Excellent Spy
id=30 Fluent in Balaur
id=31 Tough
id=32 Battle-Hardened
id=33 Invincible
id=34 Heroic
id=35 Pirate Busting
id=36 Top Expert
id=37 Miragent Holy Templar
id=38 Adept DP Manipulator
id=39 Daeva in White
id=40 Owner of the Dragon Sword
id=41 Honorary Black Cloud
id=42 Krall Slaughterer
id=43 Gatekeeper Hunter
id=44 Obstinate Herdsman
id=45 Gullible
id=46 Azoturan Destroyer
id=47 Project Drakanhammer Researcher
id=48 Homuron Knights
id=49 The One who Confronted Fate
id=50 Savior of Future
id=51 Raider Hero
id=52 Treasure Hunter
id=53 Mosbear Slayer
id=54 Fluent in Mau
id=55 Kind
id=56 Legendary Hunter
id=57 Protector of Altgard
id=58 Tayga Slayer
id=59 Courageous Destructor
id=60 Protector of Morheim
id=61 Shugo Chef
id=62 Energized after eating Millennium Ginseng
id=63 Honorary Kidorun
id=64 Champion of the Elderly
id=65 Friend of Kong and Pat
id=66 Silver Mane Benefactor
id=67 Postal
id=68 Slayer of Mabangtah
id=69 Tenacious
id=70 Fast, Exact, and Reliable
id=71 Unyielding Pioneer
id=72 Protector of Brusthonin
id=73 Cheated by Sleipnir
id=74 Beluslan's Hero
id=75 Hunter of the Snowfield
id=76 Savior of Besfer Villagers
id=77 Sweeper of Mt. Musphel
id=78 Ancient Book Collector
id=79 All the Way to Elysea for Nothing i
id=80 Fluent in Balaur
id=81 Tough
id=82 Battle-Hardened
id=83 Invincible
id=84 Heroic
id=85 Steel Rake Demolisher
id=86 Top Expert
id=87 Fenris's Fang
id=88 DP Test Passing
id=89 Light on the Battlefield
id=90 Owner of Agrif's Rage
id=91 Wheeler-Dealer
id=92 Poking into Everything
id=93 Gatekeeper Stabber
id=94 True Friend of Silver Mane
id=95 Born Merchant
id=96 Marked One
id=97 Expert Vengeful Spirit Consoler
id=98 Pirate of the Carobian
id=99 The One who Changed Destiny
id=100 Future Traveling
id=101 Settler of Aion
id=102 As You Wish
id=103 Adept of Aion
id=104 Shining Intellectual
id=105 Sage of Aion
id=106 Very Generous

//set class <class_id>
Set target player class

Class ID's:

Warrior - 0
Gladiator - 1
Templar - 2

Scout - 3
Assassin - 4
Ranger - 5

Mage - 6
Sorcerer - 7
Spirit Master - 8

Priest - 9
Cleric - 10
Chanter - 11

switch you char to invisible or visible

switch you char to invulnerable or vulnerable

//speed <speed>
adds speed value to you (%)
PS: Value from 100-200

//heal <target player>
fully restore hp/mp/dp of target player

//kill <playername>
kills the named player

//rez <instant> or <prompt>
ressurect target player instantly or delayed.

//kick <playername>
disconnect the named player

//sprison <playername> <delay>
send player to prison

//rprison <playername> <delay>
return player from prison

moves you to bind point

//moveplayertoplayer <player1> <player2>
move player1 to player2 location

//movetome <player>
move player to my position

//movetoplayer <player>
teleports you to player position

//movetonpc <npcID>
teleports you to npc position

//moveto < X Y Z>
teleport to specified XYZ coordinates

complete list of location coordinates to be used with //moveto comand:

* Sanctum - //moveto 110010000 1532 1511 565
* Poeta - //moveto 210010000 526 1461 106
* Verteron - //moveto 210030000 1339 2195 143
* Eltnen - //moveto 210020000 1487 1466 300
* Theobomos - //moveto 210060000 1400 1550 31
* Interdiktah - //moveto 210040000 1508 1568 112
* Pandaemonium - //moveto 120010000 1268 1428 208
* Ishalgen (Asmodian Starting Zone) - //moveto 220010000 850 2218 267
* Altgard - //moveto 220030000 1781 1930 261
* Morheim - //moveto 220020000 872 2180 337
* Brusthonin - //moveto 220050000 2428 2298 13
* Beluslan - //moveto 220040000 1967 2533 590
* Ereshuranta (Abyss) - //moveto 400010000 1365 1177 1516
* No Zone Name - //moveto 300010000 225 276 206
* Karamatis - //moveto 310010000 225 276 206
* Karamatis (not sure why there are two of these) - //moveto 310020000 225 276 206
* Aerdina (Abyss Gate) - //moveto 310030000 269 173 204
* Geranaia (Abyss Gate) - //moveto 310040000 269 173 204
* Lepharist (Bio Experiment Lab) - //moveto 310050000 191 324 125
* Fragment of Darkness - //moveto 310060000 1618 782 1188
* Fragment of Darkness (not sure why there are two of these) - //moveto 310070000 83 238 1222
* Sanctum Underground Arena - //moveto 310080000 276 185 162
* Indratu (Castle Indratu) - //moveto 310090000 560 335 1016
* Azoturan (Castle Lehpar) - //moveto 310100000 359 410 1537
* Narsass - //moveto 320010000 225 276 206
* Narsass (not sure why there are two of these) - //moveto 320020000 225 276 206
* Bregirun (Abyss Gate) - //moveto 320030000 269 175 204
* Nidalber (Abyss Gate) - //moveto 320040000 269 175 204
* Inside of the Sky Temple of Arkanis 320050000 128 133 575
* Space of Oblivion - //moveto 320060000 1709 807 1226
* Space of Destiny - //moveto 320070000 256 252 126
* Draupnir - //moveto 320080000 493 600 513 (central control room)
* Draupnir - //moveto 320080000 762 431 321 (beritra oracle chamber)
* Triniel Underground Arena - //moveto 320090000 276 183 162
* Fire Temple - //moveto 320100000 148 455 142
* Alquimia - //moveto 320110000 545 527 200
* Secret Prison - //moveto 320120000 454 553 225
* Player Prison 1- //moveto 510010000 229 257 50
* Player Prison 2- //moveto 520010000 229 257 50
* Test Basic - //moveto 900020000 151 135 20
* Test Server - //moveto 900030000 403 254 50
* Test Giant Monster - //moveto 900100000 245 323 20

//goto <place name>
teleport youself to specified place name
example: //goto poeta

complete list of location names to be used with //goto comand:





//bk <add|del|tele|list> <bookmark name>
Manage bookmark teleport locations

//legion disband <legionname>
//legion setlevel <legionname> <level>
//legion setpoints <legionname> <contributionpoints>
//legion setname <legionname> <newlegionname>
all self explanatory

//spawn <npc_id>
spawn npc template id

//delete <target npc>
delete spawned npc id

save all spawn data to files

reload all spawn data from files

//adddrop <mobid> <itemid> <min> <max> <chance> <quest>
add items to npc droplist

prints your current zone

//reload skill
self explanatory

//reload quest
self explanatory

//quest <start|delete|step|info|vars> <quest_id>
for developers use only to test quests

//sys <info> | <memory> | <gc> | <restart> | <shutdown>

//sys info
show basic server host informations
//sys memory
shows host memory informations
//sys gc
show garbage collector informations
//sys restart <countdown time in seconds> <announce delay in seconds>
restart the server in given time
//sys shutdown <countdown time in seconds> <announce delay in seconds>
restart the server in given time

//ai <info|event|state>
for developers use only

//weather <location> <0 - 8>
//weather poeta 0 -> to set clear sky in this region
//weather reset -> to change randomly all weathers in the world
Syntax uses same location definitions as it does on the //goto command.

//fsc <opcode> <packet structure> <values>

This commands sends packets to the server for test porpouses --- Used by Developers

Kinah has item number 182400001
You can add kinah with //add 182400001 [amount]
  • Собрано из исходников оригинала без изменений которые приложены с добавлением последней версии jdk для этого сервера.
  • На пароль lrserv и логин lrserv от базы, не обращайте внимание, было собрано из того что собирал ранее когда была нужна помощь (сервер в один клик).
  • Мне нравится
Реакции: Erett, Yevhenii94 и òbi
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