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    PTS L2OFF Vanganth - Classic interlude protocol 110

    lets try
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    Smart Decryptor

    So if is agains rules then no, sorry :( @oldtime,
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    L2jMobius essence Fix cast for teleport

    I didn't know there was the option to put a lock on the hitime. Clearly if that option exists it will be a best practice.
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    NewQuest location change issue

    I am not sure about it but maybe exist some logic on interface.u
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    Visible only to X players

    Can you share it?
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    php code to query l2server for online players

    @renobizarro, if you share what files and BD (some sample) are you using I can make a look and finde out the way
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    php code to query l2server for online players

    I am not familiar with PTS but if the online players are stored on DB under any value like online 1-0 or yes no (as a boolean) I can make a php for this propuse
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    Smart Decryptor

    For who are looking for a tutorial I finde one from other forum I am not sure if I can share there links to other forums so if someone are interested pm me in other way if I can share there let me know
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    Experience bar goes back to 0% when reaching Max. level

    You probably have to look in the interface.u file
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    GTranslate HTM

    Was it good for this job? I am looking for do the same but with interlude
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    Lobby for interlude

    Credits to deMEV I am only sharing DOWNLOAD *** Скрытый текст: У Вас недостаточно прав для просмотра скрытого текста. Посетите тему на форуме! ***
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    L2jMobius essence Fix cast for teleport

    On retail, the teleport cast time is not affected by casting speed or other stuff. So I make a little change in code to prevent this to happen on l2mobius assassin. L2J_Mobius_Essence_7.1_Assassin\java\org\l2jmobius\gameserver\model\skill\SkillCaster.java Finde calcSkillTiming and change with...
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