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  1. Maneco2

    Услуги Java/.NET/C++ разработчика

    Hello dear, i need a litle work, add MyExt64HF OfflineShopRestore then server restart, i Offer 20 USD for this little work. My discord: Jen2#1273 I use extender by eressea HF
  2. Maneco2

    PTS HF MyExt64

    Any add offlineshop fix? restore then restart, hard use the server without
  3. Maneco2

    MyExt64HF geodata bugs

    Any have this problem in extender HF? How to solve this problem? Please help me about. Npcs spawned above rocks, inside walls, etc.
  4. Maneco2

    Clean Cache MyExt64

    How to work with Clean Cache interface with extender MyExt64? Possible any help me the code please, thanks
  5. Maneco2

    Retail interface HF clean cache

    Have any interface only with Clear Cache for High Five? Like only this? Please help, no other customs...
  6. Maneco2

    HF npcpos issue

    Any have fixed this issue? Occur lot of times, some regions not spawn npcs. 06/23/2024 16:26:57.736, [.\TerritoryInfo.cpp][391] Cannot generate random position in territory[gludio29_npc_1625_011] 06/23/2024 16:26:57.971, [.\TerritoryInfo.cpp][391] Cannot generate random position in...
  7. Maneco2

    L2OFF auto class change

    Try doing this then, you who know everything, this is just an AI, it is not a server source code. Possible also add a protection in source about races, is simple fix add class ID above link reply, you not give any solution, only speak one shit, simple fix add class ID, because you not talk this...
  8. Maneco2

    Extender High Five 5 by eressea поддержка vs2005

    My suggestion, create a Oracle VirtualBox all working in windows 7, create full backup VirtualBox, save in any location like mega, google... never will lost your work! Later download and restore the virtual box! Great share, congrats!
  9. Maneco2

    L2OFF Hi5 npc server issue

    Look about this error occur in local only since i`m changed cache manually from sqlserver probably, npcboss table also raid boss all deads and not spawn again.
  10. Maneco2

    L2OFF Hi5 npc server issue

    I`m need help about one error, npc server restart always then the problem appear. I using erresea Emca - High Five MyExt64HF. npc socket close 888b8(3db476e4) error(997)
  11. Maneco2

    Скрипт Пак Сборок ПТС от С1 до HF

  12. Maneco2

    Development Of Client Add-Ons

    Only L2J?
  13. Maneco2

    Мануал Конфиги ПТС сервера

    IOBuffer, what this function made? in l2server and npc, what is the best option?