Looking for data converter Mobius->FandC (or any other L2j-based format)

Salty Mike

hella salty
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FandC, Mobius, Scripts, etc
Does anybody have a data converter from Mobius to any other source and would they be willing to share it with me? I have made FandC multi-protocol and I need to parse the datapack (XMLs of skills, spawns, items, etc) from Mobius to FandC but I have never written a script like that and I have no idea where to start.
With this in mind, it would've been great if someone could share one (for learning purposes).

DISCLAIMER: Apologies if I post in the wrong place.

Google Translate:

Есть ли у кого-нибудь конвертер данных из Mobius в какой-либо другой источник, и готовы ли они поделиться им со мной? Я сделал FandC многопротокольным, и мне нужно проанализировать пакет данных (XML-файлы навыков, появления, предметы и тд) от Mobius до FandC, но я никогда не писал подобный скрипт, и я не знаю, с чего начать.
Имея это в виду, было бы здорово, если бы кто-нибудь мог поделиться одним (в учебных целях).
Does anybody have a data converter from Mobius to any other source and would they be willing to share it with me? I have made FandC multi-protocol and I need to parse the datapack (XMLs of skills, spawns, items, etc) from Mobius to FandC but I have never written a script like that and I have no idea where to start.
With this in mind, it would've been great if someone could share one (for learning purposes).

DISCLAIMER: Apologies if I post in the wrong place.

Google Translate:

Есть ли у кого-нибудь конвертер данных из Mobius в какой-либо другой источник, и готовы ли они поделиться им со мной? Я сделал FandC многопротокольным, и мне нужно проанализировать пакет данных (XML-файлы навыков, появления, предметы и тд) от Mobius до FandC, но я никогда не писал подобный скрипт, и я не знаю, с чего начать.
Имея это в виду, было бы здорово, если бы кто-нибудь мог поделиться одним (в учебных целях).
нету и не было ,это Mobius вам не pts ? :Maikka: что-бы какие то данные из него брать :Nani1:
What I want to make is a FandC-based multi-protocol version. A source that would work just as good as H5, as it would with let's say Classic Kamael. I have made strides towards the script side of things, but now I need the data and the easiest place to get it is from Mobius/Org, which are very similar. I could also use some other classic datapack, one that is more similar to FandC, such as L2Scripts, but there is none. There was an L2s Homunculus 272 share, but it is LIVE, not classic, so it is of no use.
What I want to make is a FandC-based multi-protocol version. A source that would work just as good as H5, as it would with let's say Classic Kamael. I have made strides towards the script side of things, but now I need the data and the easiest place to get it is from Mobius/Org, which are very similar. I could also use some other classic datapack, one that is more similar to FandC, such as L2Scripts, but there is none. There was an L2s Homunculus 272 share, but it is LIVE, not classic, so it is of no use.
есть же классика от Исходники - Lineage2-classic_196_Script на Java+Kotlin а ваш FandC-based(еще тот шлак который его место на помойку) ,или возьми к примеру Исходники - L2-Scripts Zaken (2.0 Zaken) Source code а лучше возьми за основы Исходники - L2J -Eternity-World High Five и пилите его :Maikka:
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