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  1. zoumhs

    PTS L2OFF Vanganth - Classic interlude protocol 110

    My post was for free help. Anyway np good luck.
  2. zoumhs

    PTS L2OFF Vanganth - Classic interlude protocol 110

    send me in skype zoomhs999 i will help you, i have fixed all known bugs. This share is 2years plus outdated.
  3. zoumhs

    PTS L2OFF Vanganth - Classic interlude protocol 110

    Im not anything you saying, fotis is a scammer he selling c6 or classic bugged with backdoor inside and he selling a compile and not the source. Im selling the source and server pack and i have server live to test and he call me a scammer for what? Im telling in my topic already what fix i have...
  4. zoumhs

    PTS L2OFF Vanganth - Classic interlude protocol 110

    I have proofs and test server. I don't recommend you. Just stop to write fake words please and go away from me.
  5. zoumhs

    PTS L2OFF Vanganth - Classic interlude protocol 110

    zoumhs999 add me on skype. www.esl2.org/valkyrie to test anything you need.
  6. zoumhs

    PTS L2OFF Vanganth - Classic interlude protocol 110

    Sorry but im not selling thoses outdated files posted from Metaman.
  7. zoumhs

    PTS L2OFF Vanganth - Classic interlude protocol 110

    This files in this share created before one year plus and its a test server expirement files. For thoses like a Vanganth Interlude gameplay in classic client with better fps and stable gameplay from interlude client. If anyone like it, can buy the stable version from @TravorJ with all known bugs...
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