Недавнее содержимое от therealnevax

  1. T

    Mounts 45 pcs for Freya / High Five

  2. T

    LoginScreen "blue knight" Lineage2 HF

  3. T

    Melis or Isador NPC [HF5]

  4. T

    Helmet Accessory for Freya/HF

  5. T

    Login Screen - L2_deathkinght2 client HF

  6. T

    Login Screen HF "lm_dragonic" (lobby)

  7. T

    Login Screen HF

    To Collection
  8. T

    Login Screen Client HF "21st"

    To Collection
  9. T

    Логин скрин для клиента ХФ - Login screen client HF shillien

    lovely, To Collection
  10. T

    Login screen l2 client HF "agat"

    To Collection
  11. T

    Login Screen - Evas Lineage2 client HF

  12. T

    PTS L2OFF Vanganth - Classic interlude protocol 110

    @MetaMan, Awesome
  13. T

    Source L2Updater (C#) Lineage2 1.0.0

    it worked for me once really well, reformatted, followed the same steps, actually had same files, now doesnt connect. I dont remember what I did, I dont need an apache server or anything correct? should it just connect to the server machine ? directory for example c:/files/testserver, in the...
  14. T

    Source L2Updater (C#) Lineage2 1.0.0

    Any reason doesnt connect to config? Stupid question maybe?
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