Недавнее содержимое от Krombacher

  1. K


    АДМ:Это все полный бред, это не то как Beyond работает, я знаю, что у вас есть конкуренция, это приемлемо и понятно, но толкаете эту чушь людям, но это некрасиво делать. Собственно что случилось, вы вообще знаете всю историю с этим майнером? <что-то непонятное> и продолжаете толкать это видео...
  2. K

    Майнер в клиенте - beyond.lt

    I will ask my colleague to make a translation to Russian, within next 20 - 45 min.
  3. K


  4. K

    Майнер в клиенте - beyond.lt

    I had Lovely conversation with Beyond admin, you make your own decision (im sorry for breathing into microphone)
  5. K

    Warning about Beyond client

    I had Lovely conversation with Beyond admin, you make your own decision
  6. K

    Моё рабочее место

    Working past 6 months on Lineage 2 project
  7. K

    Майнер в клиенте - beyond.lt

    It's not about competitiveness anymore, Yes i bet that giran.online did this because of their interest - i could do that same towards iplay.gg, but i feel it's not right. It is clear that Beyond.lt made mistake by adding such feature to client without consent of players. If i would be...
  8. K

    Майнер в клиенте - beyond.lt

  9. K

    Warning about Beyond client

    I would like to warn everyone about this project.
  10. K

    NPC and Territory Corrdinate Generator

    Hi MMO-Develop Members, this community has been a huge backbone of learning about PTS servers, and soon enough i will be launching it - Anyhow, today morning i created Excel based Territory Area Generator, which is based on excel (it was easy to make), though it might be helpful for some of you...
  11. K

    Developing L2OFF Live stream

    Hey guys, your community has been a very helpful, with regards of learning more about development of Lineage 2, past couple days i'm streaming my development progress for my off server x5 rates (high Five). If you see I do any mistakes let me know. Twitch
  12. K

    Looking for a OFF Developer

    I forgot to mention: I dont care and I dont want to know your previous servers you worked on!
  13. K

    Looking for a OFF Developer

    Happy Christmas to all MMO-DEV users! Our small team from Denmark is looking for a active Developer to work with current and other projects (if interested). At this point we have 3 members: Person A: Controls server hardware, responsible of security, hardware. 20+ years of experience in server...
  14. K


    Gracia Final - Vangath Latest, I wonder if anyone have "PCCafeCoupon.dat", could you please share? - You can respond me in Russian
  15. K

    Подскажите как дать ПА на GF

    How to set PA on his source ?
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