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  1. Blitzkrieg

    how to change the duration of summoned creatures?

  2. Blitzkrieg

    skill only STR, DEX

    Dye bonuses derive from dyedata.txt You need p_stat_up:
  3. Blitzkrieg

    В поисках микро помощи по multisell.txt :)

    GF {{{[recovery_scroll_s];1};{[recovery_scroll_a];1};{[elixir_of_combative_c];1};{[shining_arrow];1}};{{[adena];1}}} Seems however that it shows the icon of the first item in the list... alternatively create an item with custom icon that unpacks into more items.
  4. Blitzkrieg

    Areadata / restart_time

    Hello, in areadata.txt there are some areas with the field restart_time. Llike valakas lair (balakas_no_restart) restart_time=1800. In c4 patch notes I found the following: When restarting at the Lair of Valakas or the Hall of Flames after a server returns to service, if a player fails to log...
  5. Blitzkrieg


    Is there also a retail server check for main class when PC is transferred to stadium? What prevents the player from registering with main class and then change to a sub while waiting?
  6. Blitzkrieg

    Создание NPC для Обмена Предметов с Сохранением Зачарований

    If I understand correctly, simple multisell should do the job? there is also a relevant AI function but I think it's available only in gf + (for yogi event: OwnItemEnchantCount)
  7. Blitzkrieg

    Мануал npcpos.txt - формат и описание параметров

    yes I remembered the mercenary + ticket thing and already edited my post; About territory wars it indeed makes more sense, thanks
  8. Blitzkrieg

    Мануал npcpos.txt - формат и описание параметров

    siege_warfare_start: spawns NPCs that defend a castle without owner pc_siege_warfare_start: spawns NPCs that help the owner (clan) defend the castle Maybe Rune doesn't accept assistance because of Benom
  9. Blitzkrieg

    Ид скиллов баюма

  10. Blitzkrieg

    Блокировка исцеления NPC игроком через ИИ

    SEE_SPELL sees: positive skills being cast on other PCs, if NPC has / had desire against these PCs negative skills being cast on NPC (maybe, but irrelevant in this case) I'm not sure if SEE_SPELL sees positive spell cast by undesired PC (e.g. bot healer) -> needs further testing
  11. Blitzkrieg

    Мануал Newbie Guide бафф до 61

    skill_name_id = skill_id * 65536 + skill_lv
  12. Blitzkrieg

    Record of Seven Signs

    Probably SSQMainBoard.uc (interface.u)
  13. Blitzkrieg


    Not possible. https://mmo-dev.info/threads/%D0%A1%D0%BF%D0%B0%D0%B2%D0%BD-%D0%BD%D0%BF%D1%86-%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%BD%D1%81-%D0%B2-%D1%87%D0%B0%D1%82.25762/#post-195345
  14. Blitzkrieg

    Спавн нпц + анонс в чат

    GFIL / GF / HF: Announce("this is an announcement"); // visible to builders only Announce2("this is an announcement"); // maybe visible to all, NOT tested
  15. Blitzkrieg

    Спавн нпц + анонс в чат

    Not possible with retail PTS. Say(string) -> white chat Shout(string) -> orange chat Announce(string) -> Announce chat but only visible to builders Advext has Announce2 custom function that maybe is visible to all players, dunno
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